Make a Payment
Pay by Credit Card
Click the button below to pay securely with your credit card through CardPointe
We impose a surcharge of 3.0% on the transaction amount when paying with a credit card. If you prefer to set up your account for ACH withdrawals (no additional charge), please contact our office for assistance.
Pay via PayPal
The QR code below will direct you to PayPal’s website to process your payment securely. Please note: you do not need a PayPal account to pay us through PayPal. The amount you choose to pay can be charged directly to your credit card.
Pay with Venmo
Pay by Check
Payments made with a check should be mailed to our Webster office regardless of which office your services were performed by. Our Webster office mailing address is:
Yaeger, Treviso & Associates
661 Ridge Road, PO Box 1495
Webster, NY 14580